Sept 20: Today we celebrated Abby's 4th Birthday. Her actual day falls on the 22nd September (she was born precisely 2 mins after midnight i.e. 00:02). For the past few months, she has been telling her friends and teachers in school (since early in the year) that her birthday is coming soon in September ... but don't really know how long that will be :pWhat prompted her to think so much about her birthday was in her school, the teachers will celebrate the children's birthday on the last Friday of each month. So ... she has seen all her friends celebrated their birthdays except for her - as her's was yet to come :)So this year, mummy & daddy decided to give a birthday bash for this little girl. She doesn't really know what to expect except that she's going to have a birthday party. But what kind, she just has to wait in total anxiety ... ha ha ha. Mummy & daddy invited our close family and friends over for a buffet dinner at the pool side. Mummy & daddy also invited a clown to entertain the kids ... but it turned out that the adults too had fun! Oh well ... it's good to be a kid again doesn't it? And definitely not forgetting, the 2.5kg cake we ordered (actually chosen by Abby herself) shaped of a Minnie Mouse - one of her favourite cartoon characters from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.Where most of you know Abby's appetite for food, today was exceptional as she was seen to be having the most fun and dinner was secondary to her ;). So in the following photos, you will see this Birthday Girl's happiest moment in her life.
Abby & her cousin Serena
Abby & her Sunday School friends ... Yi Xing & Yi Ching
See who wins in this fencing championship ... or sword fight :)
Why is everyone looking up??? What is so interesting??
Oh ... a magic show ... presented by the clown named 'Vitamin C'
Abby's birthday cake - chosen by Abby herself
This is how it's done - to blow off your birthday candles
I'm done after cutting the cake
Me & my friends. From left, Amber & her little sister, Yi Xing, Yi Ching, "Vitamin C", Abby, Natalia & En Xuan
I don't want to take photo with you, clown ... I only want to take with my friends ...